How To Switch Your Funds Online In SBI Mutual Fund?

Finance Guru Speaks:  This article will guide you on how you can SWITCH online in SBI Mutual Fund and transfer the units/amount in a new fund on your own. We will demonstrate how you can Switch your Amount or Units from a Source Fund to a Target Fund.

Example - You are switching full amount of SBI Bluechip Fund (Source Fund) to SBI MidCap Fund (Target Fund). Steps mentioned below are applicable on all the Funds available under SBI Mutual Fund House.

If you are an existing SBI Mutual Funds investor, then first of all get registered to its SBI MF website.

Please click this link and follow the instructions as New User to get your Folio No. registered with the SBI MF website.

After successful registration, you will get your Username and Password to access SBI MF Online.

Steps to follow to Switch your Funds Online in SBI Mutual Fund :-

1. Open SBI Mutual Fund - Investor Login website.

2. Provide your Username and Password and click on LOGIN button.
SBI Mutual Fund Login
SBI Mutual Fund Login
3. In the Home page, go to PORTFOLIO SUMMARY -> FOLIO VIEW as shown below and select the Switch option of the Fund from which you want to transfer the amount/units to another fund:-
SBI Mutual Fund Switch
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch

4. In the Next Screen, select your Folio No. and Broker as Direct, as shown below :-
SBI Mutual Fund Switch
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch

5. Select your Source Fund :-

SBI Mutual Fund Switch
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch

6. Select Target Fund :-
SBI Mutual Fund Switch
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch
 7. Select Amount or Units to Switch/Transfer to Target Fund and click on SUBMIT. In this case, we have selected All Units of Source Fund to transfer to Target Fund :-
SBI Mutual Fund Switch
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch

8. In the Next page, check the Switch Summary carefully and confirm this transaction.

Congratulations on your successful Online Switch in SBI Mutual Fund :-)
SBI Mutual Fund Switch Success
Click to enlarge - SBI Mutual Fund Switch Success

Images Courtesy: SBI Mutual Fund

Also read:

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  1. How much time will it take to reflect.

  2. If you are switching from Debt Fund to Equity Fund: T+1 working day
    If you are switching from Equity Fund to Debt Fund: T+3 working days

    Here, T = Day of your Switching Transaction

    Thanks for reading.


    1. Yes same here.

    2. May I know which App you are referring to? After switching, have you checked email from SBI Mutual fund house? You can also generate Account Statement for that period to check whether Fund Switching happened or not. Thanks.

    3. i switch hybrid fund to equity fund but not showing anything to my sbi investap app but i get mail for switch request can you please tell me how many days it will take


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